MA in Music Theory

image of lecture

Admission Requirements

  • A Bachelor of Music with specialization in Music Theory, a Bachelor of Arts with Honours Music, or equivalent
  • Minimum 70% average in last 2 years of full-time studies

Application Materials

  • A recent assignment or essay that demonstrates skills in analysis
  • A recent essay that demonstrates abilities in research and writing (3,000-5,000 words)
  • A  statement of interest 
  • Two confidential letters of reference
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended, uploaded in PDF
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if applicable)

Application Deadline: December 1

The Master of Arts (MA) in Music Theory is a 12-month degree program unique in Canada that serves students with a diverse range of interests in an environment that combines the strengths of both course-based and project-based learning delivered by world-class music professors.

Students benefit from a diversity of course offerings building toward a customized MA Research Project in collaboration with leading faculty members.

ben leibovitz"Although we’re one of the smallest programs at Western, there are a lot of talented people doing very impressive things here. " 

Ben Leibovitz, MA Music Theory (2018)

Learn more about Ben Leibovitz and our MA program

Program Requirements


Number of courses

5 half courses (2.5 credits)

Mandatory and recommended courses

9725 Introduction to Music Research (0.5 credit)

4 additional half courses (2.0 credits), at least 3 of which are in theory and chosen in consultation with Department Chair. 

(check timetable for scheduling details)


Academic Integrity Module

To support success in graduate studies, all incoming graduate students are required to complete the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) Academic Integrity Module in order to progress beyond the first term of their degree. Eligible students can access the module in the Graduate Student Web Services Portal.

Students who do not complete the module will not be able to progress beyond the first term of their degree.

This module is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and resources to abide by academic principles during your graduate career and to help combat scholastic offenses. After reviewing the material and finishing the readings, students are required to complete both a multiple-choice assessment and a series of short case studies to evaluate their knowledge of academic integrity. Students have unlimited opportunities to pass the module. 

MA Research Project

pdf iconGuidelines for Research Project

Important Deadlines:

April 1: 500-word proposal and bibliography for MA research project is submitted to Project Director for feedback and approval. Approved proposal is sent to department Chair and Graduate Program Assistant.

May 15: student submits outline of MA research project to Project Director and meets with Project Director to discuss.

June 15: student submits full draft of MA research project to Project Director for feedback.

Aug. 15 or sooner: student submits final version of MA research project to Project Director.

Aug. 22: Project Director and second faculty member (appointed by Chair) each assign final grade and submit grades and the final version of research project  to Associate Dean for final approval.

Expected duration of program

3 terms (12 months)


Timeline for 1-Year MA in Music Theory 

Fall Term
Winter Term
Summer Term

3 courses: Introduction to Music Research, and 2 others

2 courses

no courses

Preliminary planning for MA Research Project

Discuss topic for project with assigned project director

Submit and discuss outline for MA Research Project

Submit proposal for MA Research Project to project director for feedback and approval

Submit and discuss draft of project

Submit final version of project

Contact Info

Acting Department Chair
Peter Franck
TC 318
519-661-2111 x84330

Graduate Program Assistant
Audrey Yardley-Jones
TC 216
519-661-2111 x85354