Western Music Representation at November Conferences

Western Music faculty and graduate students have been very busy this November, attending and presenting at major music conferences across the continent.
Faculty member Aaron Hodgson gave three presentations, including one with Western PhD student Gustavo Jimenez Pereira, at the College Music Society National Conference in Washington, D.C.
At the Society for Music Theory conference in Jackson, FL, a top international conference for music theory, faculty member Jonathan De Souza organized, co-chaired, and presented in a special session on texture and co-presented a lightning talk, while John Cuciurean chaired a section on sonata theory. Six Western alums and former postdocs were represented in the program, including Music Theory PhD Joe Argentino (Associate Professor, Memorial University) and former Western postdoctoral fellow Andrew Goldman (Assistant Professor, Indiana University).
On the very same weekend as our theorists were in Florida, right here in London, numerous Western performers and music education scholars were stealing the stage at the Ontario Music Educators’ Association Roots conference. Music Education faculty members Tracy Wong, Kevin Watson, Colleen Richardson, Mark Ramsay, Linda Wharton, and adam bell all presented (some more than once), alongside current doctoral students Seyram Afealete, Rayne Vitorino Dias, and Lorinda Van Wyk, Masters student Aldo Ginting, and staff member Sasha Gorbasew.
Just a week later, current postdoctoral fellow Kristin Franseen and PhD students Gerard Weber and Ala Krivov (pictured) presented at the American Musicological Society (AMS) conference in Chicago, the leading musicology gathering annually in North America. Faculty member Emily Abrams Ansari also gave a paper and was a respondent to a film screening. Individuals who have received training at Western again gave presentations, including former Western postdoctoral fellow Uri Jacob (lecturer, Bar-Ilan University).