Aaron Hodgson

Office: MB 220
Phone: (519) 661-2111 x85304
Email: ahodgson@uwo.ca
Trumpeter Aaron Hodgson has been praised for his “exquisite musicianship and assured composure” (International Trumpet Guild) and called, “An outstanding trumpet voice with much to say” (CMS Symposium). A prize-winner in the Ellsworth Smith and OSM Standard Life competitions, Aaron has been broadcast nationally by CBC Radio and featured as a concerto soloist with l'Orchestre de la Francophonie at Canada's National Arts Centre. His solo album inner voice was released on Blue Griffin Recordings in 2017.
Aaron is an active orchestral musician, having performed with conductors such as Helmuth Rilling, Donald Runnicles and Neeme Järvi. He can be heard on Naxos and Analekta records as principal trumpet for recordings of Bach's Magnificat, Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique and the complete symphonies of Beethoven and Brahms. As a solo and chamber musician, Aaron is committed to expanding the trumpet's capabilities and introducing audiences to new music. He has commissioned or premiered dozens of new works featuring trumpet and was a founding member of the Carnyx Trio, Reverb Brass and the Reveille Trumpet Collective.
As a researcher, Aaron is interested in identity, career preparation, and innovative teaching practices among musicians. During 2022–25, he is a Teaching Fellow at Western University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning, where his project Rethinking Applied Study re-examines teaching and learning in an applied context. He has presented internationally at conferences organized by the International Society for Music Education Conference, the Ontario Music Educators’ Association, and the College Music Society.
Aaron is a sought-after teacher and is Associate Professor at the Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University. He regularly adjudicates at music festivals and has taught masterclasses in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and across the United States and Canada. Aaron holds a Doctor of Musical Arts from Yale University and is an S.E. Shires Performing Artist.