Bachelor of Music

If you want a program with studio lessons and ensemble participation, apply to the Bachelor of Music program.
The first year for all Bachelor of Music students includes courses in Music Theory, Music History, Music Skills (Sight-singing, Ear-training, and Keyboard Harmony), a half-course in music composition, teaching & learning, or popular music & culture, a half-course music or non-music elective and a half-course elective from outside the Don Wright Faculty of Music. Bachelor of Music students also receive weekly hour-long lessons plus regular masterclasses and ensemble experience.
In the Bachelor of Music (Honours) programs, a specific area of study is normally selected towards the end of the first year, when the student has had the opportunity to assess particular strengths and interests. It is also possible to continue in a general Bachelor of Music program without selecting a specific concentration.
In all programs, the core subjects - Music Theory, Music History, Music Skills - continue in the second year; the third and fourth years are the period of the greatest concentration in the specific area of study.
Bachelor of Music (BMus) with Honours in:
- Composition
- Music Education
- Music Performance (Orchestral Instrument, Piano, Voice)
(Performance is an option for Harp and Classical Guitar, please see Orchestral Instrument for course outlines) - Music Research*
- General Bachelor of Music (Honours)**
Bachelor of Music (BMus) in:
- General Bachelor of Music**
*Effective September 2020, a new BMus (Honours) in Music Research is available, reflecting the diversity of music scholarship today. This single stream of courses permits upper-level students to choose flexibly from offerings in music history, music theory, and popular music studies.
**Effective September 2020, new general Bachelor of Music (Honours) and Bachelor of Music programs will become available.
Please visit the Bachelor of Music General Program Information webpage for admission requirements and a list of first year courses.
Admission/Interview Process
Full application requirements, including admission forms, and interview registration, can be found on our How to Apply webpage.
Contact Information
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Admissions & Programs)
John Cuciurean
(519) 661-2111 x85333
Undergraduate Admissions Assistant
Odilla Van Delinder
Recruitment Coordinator
Sasha Gorbasew
519-661-2111 x80532
Academic Counsellor
Diane Mills