Five Western Music students and faculty present at AMS/SMT Virtual 2020

The Don Wright Faculty of Music will be well represented at the virtual joint meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS) and the Society for Music Theory (SMT) November 7-8 and 14-15, 2020. Five members of our community will be presenting their research at this prestigious event.
November 7, 2020
Emily Abrams Ansari, "In Search of a Decolonial Approach to Music of Trauma" at the Lightning Lounge: Current Topics in Ibero-American Music Research session (AMS Ibero-American Music Study Group).
Peter Franck will be presenting his paper “A Performative Perspective of Voice Leading” at the SMT session Forces, Energy, and Balance.
Catherine Nolan will be presenting her paper “Anton Webern’s Creative Partnership with Hildegard Jone: Revising a Modernist Narrative” at the AMS session Musical Poetics.
November 14, 2020
Chantal Lemire, PhD candidate in music theory, will be participating in a panel discussion entitled “Modulations and Intersections: Disability and the (Un)Critical Role of Music” at the joint AMS/SMT session sponsored by the AMS Music and Disability Study Group and the SMT Music and Disability Interest Group.
Diana Wu, PhD candidate in musicology, will be presenting her paper “Hearing Voices: The Sound of Operatic Madness in the Age of Schizophrenia” at the AMS session Music and Critical Disability Theory.
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Don Wright Faculty of Music - Music Research and Composition Department