Catherine (Katie) Birt
Performance - Collaborative Piano
Office: TC 422
Catherine (Katie) Birt is a Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance student, studying Collaborative Piano with Dr. Angela Park. She received her Master of Music in Literature and Performance from Western University in 2022 and holds concurrent Bachelor of Education (2020) and Bachelor of Music (2019) degrees with distinction from Queen’s University. She has a French medial and teaching certifications in Music and French secondary-school subjects. As a collaborative pianist, she has performed in Germany, Italy, and Quebec and is a Canada Council for the Arts recipient. Her current research interests pertain to music driven by the environment and climate change, and the role of classical music in our rapidly changing world.
Katie currently holds the position of Music Director at Knox St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Dutton, ON, and is a graduate teaching assistant for the Don Wright Faculty of Music. She has worked as Music Director for Westbrook United Church in Kingston and as a vocal coach at St. Lawrence College’s Musical Theatre Program in Brockville. She now regularly music directs youth musical theatre productions in London and looks forward to continuing involvement in Western University and the London area music scene.