DMA Audition Requirements by Instrument

Please see below for details regarding the repertoire that should be prepared for an audition (either live or a recording posted to a video sharing web site such as YouTube). 

Further information about audition dates.

Solo Piano

  • 60 minutes of memorized music representing at least four different styles, of which 20 minutes will be heard; must include:
    • At least one substantial work
    • The étude of virtuosity performed on the pre-screening audition
  • The level of repertoire presented must reflect a high degree of musical, artistic and technical proficiency, equivalent to a Master of Music degree recital
  • A "Quick Study" piece will be emailed 48 hours prior to the live audition.  This piece is to be played at the audition but memorization is not required.

Collaborative Piano

  • 60 minutes of music, of which 20 minutes will be heard; must include:
    • Two contrasting movements from a sonata by Beethoven or Brahms
    • One chamber piece from the 20th century
    • Not less than five Art songs including but not limited to at least one piece by Schubert, Wolf and Debussy
    • Sight reading, and accompanying oneself at the piano while singing a song of one's choice.

    Applicants must bring their own soloists or they may contact Prof. Torin Chiles for assistance in securing soloists from Western.


  • 30 minutes of memorized music, of which 20 minutes will be heard; must include eight contrasting selections representing:
    • At least one composition sung in each of French, German, Italian, and English (Other languages welcome, but must include these four)
    • One, but not more than two operatic arias
    • One work composed after 1960
    • A variety of periods, styles, and tempi
    • Balanced recital program.
  • Applicants will choose the first work to be sung and the audition panel will choose successive works as time permits.
  • Candidates should be prepared to respond to questions regarding works performed, style and structure of the piece, technical challenges presented, the programmatic and historical background and the composition's relationship to other works of the same composer, period or genre.
  • Successful candidates will exhibit advanced technical and interpretive ability.
  • A "Quick Study" will be emailed 24 hours prior to the live audition.  This piece is to be sung at the audition but memorization is not required.

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.


The performance should reflect a high degree of musical, artistic and technical proficiency.

Approximately 60 minutes of repertoire should be prepared, from which the audition panel will select; featuring at least 3 different musical styles, including:

  • at least one movement from a Mozart Concerto   
  • one work from the contemporary repertoire
  • at least one movement from a concerto other than Mozart.          

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.


The performance should reflect a high degree of musical, artistic and technical proficiency.

Approximately 60 minutes of repertoire should be prepared, from which the audition panel will select; featuring at least 3 different musical styles, including:

  • at least one movement from a major concerto such as Bartok, Walton, Schnittke, Hindemith
  • one work from the contemporary repertoire
  • at least 3 contrasting movements from a Bach Suite.         

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.


The performance should reflect a high degree of musical, artistic and technical proficiency

Approximately 60 minutes of repertoire should be prepared, from which the audition panel will select; featuring at least 3 different musical styles, including:

  • 3 contrasting movements from Bach Suite IV, V or VI
  • one work from the contemporary repertoire
  • the first or last movement from a concerto by Haydn, Schumann or Dvorak.

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.


  • Prepare 50 minutes of music, of which 20 minutes will be heard: 
    • One or two movements of a standard early work for classical (e.g., Mozart, Devienne, Weber)
    • One or two movements of a Romantic era work (e.g., Brahms, Schumann)
    • A 20th/21th century works with piano accompaniment (e.g., Berg, Penderecki, Poulenc,Muczynski)
    • A 20th/21st century unaccompanied work (e.g., Stravinsky, Ran, Mandat, Martino)
    • The following orchestral excerpts:
      • Kodaly, Dances of Galanta (solo on first page)
      • Mendelssohn, "Scherzo" from Mid-Summer Nights Dream (dotted quarter = 84)
      • Rimsky-Korsakov, Capriccio Espagnol
      • a slow excerpt of your choice.

    Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.


  • 30 minutes of prepared music, of which 20 minutes will be heard; must include: 
    •  A major étude from one of the following books:
      • Charlier, 36 Etudes Transcendantes
      • Bitsch, 20 Etudes
      • Arban, 14 Characteristic Studies
      • Bach/Piper, The Well-Tempered Player
      • Curnow, ed., Advanced Concert Studies
      • Vannetelbosch, 24 Studies
      • A major sonata or concerto (complete)
      • Three orchestral excerpts
      • Bb and C trumpet and either piccolo or Eb trumpet
    • Sight reading

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.

Choral Conducting

Pre-screening video recording

A face-to-the-camera video recording of the applicant conducting in rehearsal and performance, and a brief resumé of conducting experience are required. The video recording should be approximately 15 minutes of rehearsal footage and 5 minutes of performance footage. Selections may be incomplete, and a variety of different styles is encouraged.

Live Audition

After video recordings have been reviewed, applicants may be invited to campus to complete an in-person audition with a faculty ensemble in February. Conducting excerpts and score study assignments will be assigned in advance.


  • Prepare 50 minutes of music from which the audition committee will choose a 20-minute audition program 
  • Selections should include compositions written in various styles and include at least one work written in the late 20th or early 21st century
  • Candidates may review repertoire selections with Prof. Thompson ahead of time:

Applicants must bring their own pianist. A list of professional accompanists will be provided upon request.