Musical gallery weaves science and art in a symphony of tornadoes

On Friday, March 1, science, research and music join forces to present a musical gallery experience, Kaleidoscope of Creativity: Tornadoes, Oceans and Climate.
Faculty member Sharon Wei (pictured with a projection of a tornado) is curator of this immersive event and notes, "The goal is to ensure people leave with a sense of hope. If you know what is coming in the next 20 years, it can be very easy to retreat into ignoring it, but when we can come at it with feelings of hope, our goal is that the audience will feel there is something they can do and that they learned something.”
The multipronged event includes a concert featuring premieres of works by four graduate student composers - Emily Hiemstra, Joyce Lee, Neda Samavati, and Ryan Duffy - inspired by Western's Northern Tornadoes Project, an immersive augmented reality experience by marine biologist Paul Mensink, student work from SASAH students inspired by Paul Mensink's VR experience and the Northern Tornadoes Project, music from seismologist Lucy Jones' Tempo Project: In Nomine Terra Calens, and musical works inspired by storms and tornadoes by David Ludwig and Joshua Roman.
Full Western News news article February 28, 2024
View rehearsal video via CBC News (London) - Tornado quintet - excerpt from Tornado cello quintet inspired by Tornadoes of Oklahoma by Joshua Roman. Yvonne Lam, Scott St. John, violins, Annemarie Moorcroft, viola, Mischa Meyer, Zachary Mowitz, cellos. Video recorded in Music Building, Western University. March 1, 2024
Interview with faculty member Sharon Wei and student composer Ryan Duffy via CBC London Morning March 1, 2024
Listen to interview with professor Sharon Wei via London Live with Mike Stubbs (AM 980) February 29, 2024
If you plan to attend
Event is free and open to all. For complete details including schedule and site map, visit the main event webpage for complete information
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