Stephanie Horsley

Office: TC 320
Stephanie Horsley teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of music teacher pedagogy, research methods, and music in society. Before completing her PhD at Western, she taught middle and high school vocal and instrumental music in Peterborough, Ontario.
As a music educator, Horsley is interested in the intersection of policy, education, and music education, and has presented her work internationally in England, Italy, Brazil, and the United States. Publications include articles in Canadian Music Educator and Arts Education Policy Review as well as chapters in The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice in Music Education and Policy and the Political Life of Music Education (forthcoming). Current work includes:
- Policy, revision, and structure of music teacher training programs
- The effects of global economic models on the development and implementation of local public music education programs
- Comparative politics and comparative education
- Idolatry and the development of musical interest and skills in youths and adults