Kim Eyre

Office: TC 226
Dr. Kim Eyre has taught music education at the elementary school level (London, ON) and in the Faculty of Education at Western & Nipissing Universities. She teaches in the undergraduate program at the Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University, and is the coordinator of its Kodály summer program. Her degrees include a PhD (University of Toronto), Diploma (Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music, Hungary), Master of Music (Holy Names University, California) and Bachelor of Education & Bachelor of Music (Western University). Kim is a former president of the Kodály Society of Canada and is the past president of the Kodály Society of Ontario. She is a frequent presenter at local, provincial, national, and international music conferences, and has instructed at summer courses at Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Alberta. Kim’s primary research interests include identity formation and reformation of pre-service and in-service elementary specialist and generalist music teachers and a reimagining of Kodály music education in Canada.