Janet Loo

Office: TC 118
Email: jloo5@uwo.ca
Janet Loo is a Lecturer at the Don Wright Faculty of Music, having taught courses in Foundations in Singing, Vocal Methods, French Lyric Diction, and conducted choral ensembles Les Choristes and Chorale.
She is an experienced choral conductor and vocal pedagogue, having led choirs for well over two decades from Toronto to Taizé, France. Presently, she is Director of Music Ministry and Conductor/Artistic director of the Chamber Choir at King's University College. In past years, she has served as choral conductor at St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica (London), Holy Rosary Church (Toronto), and the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto.
As a mezzo-soprano, Janet has performed with Fanshawe Chorus London, Arcady, London Singers, the International Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra London/Pacific Opera Victoria, and Summer Opera Lyric Theatre.
She is an appointed member of the National Council for Liturgical Music, a consultative body that provides guidance and direction in the area of liturgical music to Catholic bishops, dioceses, and parishes across Canada. Janet also serves as Board Member of the London Arts Council.
Janet earned both her Bachelor of Music degree in music education and Master of Music degree in performance and literature from Western University.