Western Music Alumni receive Society for Music Theory Publication Awards

At the recent Society for Music Theory conference, publication awards were given to three Western Music alumni: Lori Burns received an Outstanding Publication Award for her article “Female Subjectivities in the Words, Music, and Images of Progressive Metal: The Case of Tatiana Shmayluk (Jinjer)”; Nancy Murphy, an Emerging Scholar (Book) Award for her book Times a-Changin’: Flexible Meter as Self-Expression in Singer-Songwriter Music; and Kyle Hutchinson, an Emerging Scholar (Article) Award for “Chromatically Altered Diminished-Seventh Chords: Reframing Function through Dissonance Resolution in Late Nineteenth-Century Tonality”.
In addition, Western-based scholars contributed chapters to two volumes that won the Outstanding Multi-Author Collection Award: current postdoctoral associate Kristin Franseen to Queer Ear: Remaking Music Theory (edited by Gavin S.K. Lee), and associate professor Jonathan De Souza to Here for the Hearing: Analyzing the Music in Musical Theatre (edited by Michael Buchler and Gregory Decker).
Congratulations to all!