In the News: Jonathan De Souza joins CBC Quirks and Quarks

Associate Professor Jonathan De Souza joined CBC's Quirks and Quarks to discuss the relationship between hand use and musical centers in the brain.
He is also Director for Music, Cognition, and the Brain, an initiative at Western bringing together faculty members and graduate students from music theory and music education, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, audiology, and related fields, as well as the Director of Western’s Graduate Collaborative Specialization in Music Cognition.
De Souza’s research combines music theory, cognitive science, and philosophy, and it examines both classical and popular repertoire. He is particularly interested in questions about music, technology, and embodiment. For example, his book, Music at Hand: Instruments, Bodies, and Cognition, asks how instruments affect music’s sounding organization and players’ experience.
> Listen to Dr. De Souza's radio interview with Quirks and Quarks host Bob McDonald: