Sharon Wei named 2022 Faculty Scholar at Western

Photo credit: Dahlia Katz
Congratulations to violist Sharon Wei, Associate Professor, Music Performance Studies Department, who was named as a faculty scholar at Western.
Established in 2005, the Faculty Scholars Award recognizes significant recent scholarly achievements in teaching or research. Nominated by faculty deans and selected by the Faculty Selection committee chaired by the Provost, the recipients have an international presence in their discipline and are considered all-round scholars. Winners hold the title “Faculty Scholar” for two years and receive $7,000 each year for scholarly activities, as well as receiving a citation.
Previous faculty scholar honourees from the Don Wright Faculty of Music include:
Jonathan De Souza (2020)
John Hess (2014)
Ruth Wright (2011)
Victoria Meredith (2009)
Richard Semmens (2006)
Paul Woodford (2006)
Read full article (via Western News, March 17, 2022)