Winds, Brass & Percussion Concerto Competition

wind-brass-percussion banner

We are delighted to offer an exciting opportunity for Winds, Brass & Percussion students at Western to compete to perform a concerto with the Western University Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band. All undergraduate, diploma, and masters woodwind, brass, and percussion students who are enrolled in a large instrumental ensemble and private lessons at Western are eligible to compete in this competition. Multi-player concerti (duos, trios) are acceptable, but all performers must be current students (ie. with the above large ensemble/lesson eligibilities met).

The Competition is held mid-September with the performance held in the same academic year.

Quick Info


Round 1 | Tue. Sept. 24 6-8pm
Round 2 | Thu. Sept. 26 7-8pm


2024-25 Approved Repertoire


Deadline | Fri. Sept. 20 5pm 


2024-25 Competition 


Round 1

Tuesday, Sept. 24 | 6-8pm
von Kuster Hall 

Every applicant will be expected to play approximately 4-5 minutes of the concerto. A select number of applicants will be asked to perform in Round 2.

Round 2

Thursday, Sept. 26 | 6-7pm
von Kuster Hall

Selected applicants will be expected to perform the complete selection, “top to bottom”, as it would be in the final ensemble performance.

Rules and Regulations 


  • All Western undergraduate, diploma certificate and masters students are eligible to compete.
  • Competitors must currently be enrolled in a large instrumental ensemble at Western.
  • Competitors must currently be enrolled in WBP studio instruction or previously have taken at least 2 years of WBP studio instruction at Western.
  • Competitor must not have won in a previous year.


  • Competitors must compete with the same piece they wish to perform.
  • Competitors must perform with piano accompaniment.
  • Length of piece: 6–8 minutes preferred, 10 minutes max.
  • Piece must be selected from the current approved repertoire list to be eligible.
  • Ensemble conductor will determine performance date.


  • Complete and submit a registration form by 5pm, Friday, Sept. 20. A location and program order will be e-mailed to all participants nearing the event. 
  • Performers are responsible to communicate in advance with their collaborative pianists to ensure they are available for the full duration of the competition. Accommodations cannot be required.
  • Please bring 1 copy of the score to the performance for the jury panel.
  • The live rounds are not open to the public, but studio instructors may attend.
  • Performers should be ready 10 minutes prior and standing near the designated door. Someone will direct you to the backstage and stage when it is your turn.




Past Winners


isaac-lee115x150.jpgIsaac Lee, percussion

Winner’s performance
Feb 10, 2024
Paul Davenport Theatre


Biz Tucker photoBiz Tucker, oboe

Winner’s performance
Feb 10, 2023
Paul Davenport Theatre


Emily CarmichaelEmily Carmichael, trumpet

Winner’s performance
March 25, 2022
Paul Davenport Theatre


Gillian DererGillian Derer, flute

Winner’s performance
March 26, 2021
Paul Davenport Theatre


Tracey KennedyTracey Kennedy, flute

Winner’s performance
February 11, 2020
Paul Davenport Theatre


Quincy DoengesQuincy Doenges, percussion

Winner’s performance
February 14, 2019
Paul Davenport Theatre


Contact Information 

Jana Starling
519-661-2111 x84326