Composition, Electroacoustic Research and Performance Facility
The CEARP facility is a resource, consisting of two audio and MIDI studios, for composers who wish to pursue creative development using electroacoustic music techniques.
Paul Frehner
CEARP director
Course information studio B and C
Music 2695a/b: Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Systems
A practical introduction to electroacoustic hardware and software, appropriate technical concepts and terminology, and repertoire. Course requirements will include individual assignments and a final examination.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
Music 3695: Electroacoustic Music Composition
Continued study of the terminology and technology of electronic music. Historical development, musique concrète, the "classical" studio, the synthesizer, and computer applications. Survey of the literature with some analysis. Compositional techniques and notation peculiar to electronic music and its real time performance.
Prerequisites: Music 195a/b, Music 229.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Music 9533a/b/y: Electroacoustic Composition & Performance
The objective is to produce musical compositions which use digital techniques of synthesis and data manipulation, and also feature integrated live-performance aspects. Participants are expected to have adequate previous performance and electroacoustic training.
Graduate Course.
Equipment List
CEARP – Two facilities with optimized connectivity among components
Studio C (for upper level undergraduates and graduate courses)
Apple computing
- Max/MSP
- Pro Tools 10, Pro Tools 11
- AIR Virtual Instruments
- Avid HDX card, Avid HD OMNI interface, Avid HD/IO interface
- Yamaha 02R96 digital mixer
- 88-note keyboard Controller
- various other MIDI controllers including Behringer (2)
- Bryston stereo amplification
- Tannoy System II DMT 10 loudspeakers
- Genelec 8050 bpm/ Blue Sky 7.1 Surround
- Lexicon PCM81 Digital Processor (2)
- Lexicon PCM-42 Digital Delay Processor
- Tascam DA-30 MKII Digital Audio Tape Deck
- Tascam DA-P1 Digital Audio Tape Deck
- Marantz Professional field recorder CDR310
- Other software, microphones, and miscellaneous hardware including one Hammond M3
Studio B (for undergraduate introductory courses)
Apple computing
- Max/MSP
- Pro Tools
- Mackie analog 32X8 mixer
- Yamaha and M-Audio keyboard controllers
- Yorkville stereo amplification
- Yorkville audio loudspeakers
- Mackie 5.1 Surround
- Lexicon Lexicon PCM-42 Digital Delay Processor
- Kurzweil K2500 (2)
- Kurzweil K2000 (1)
- Other software, microphones, and miscellaneous hardware
Performances and Premieres
Each year, student composers share their compositions in public concerts. All are welcome to attend!
Contact Information
CEARP Director
Paul Frehner
Office: TC 339
Phone: (519) 661-2111 x85335