Expert insight: Why music should be part of parents’ pandemic survival strategy

Current PhD student Ala Krivov has written an article about music providing a healthy way to express emotions during school closures, for both children and parents.
With pandemic school closures in place in Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island until Jan. 17, and other provinces on watch, music could be important for maintaining the well-being of children and families.
Many are concerned about the effects of closures on student and family well-being. While scientists and government officials are busy developing strategies to defeat the Omicron variant, young children — whom UNICEF has cautioned could be a “lost generation” — yet again find themselves asked to attend a virtual classroom from inside their homes.
Early childhood researchers, children’s rights advocates, health experts and parents continue to point out that the psychological well-being of children seems to be getting lost in policy-making and public debate.
Read full article (via Western News, January 10, 2021)