Amy Steggles, BA'06, helps COVID ‘long-haulers’ breathe through song

Opera singer and vocal coach Amy Steggles, BA’06 (Honours, Music), has helped many people find their voice over the years — from lawyers and receptionists looking to strengthen their delivery, to construction workers needing to project above the noise of their working environment.
Now, she’s helping a whole new group of clients find their breath: COVID-19 ‘long-haulers’, living with breathlessness and/or anxiety as a result of contracting the coronavirus.
Steggles has developed an online, eight-week course called Inhale-Exhale. The one-hour sessions are designed to help participants (re) discover their breath, improve their well-being, and connect with other people living with post-COVID syndrome.
Read full article (via Western News, August 12, 2021)