Study tunes into musician concerns with hearing loss

Findings from a Western-led study into the biggest concerns faced by musicians with hearing loss should strike a chord with educators and conductors and result in new ways to lead ensembles, researchers explained.
While musical performance would be expected to top their list of concerns, musicians with hearing loss said they struggled most with tuning into the conductor’s instructions during rehearsals, as well as interacting with colleagues during social time.
The study, A Qualitative Study of the Effects of Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid Use on Music Perception in Performing Musicians, was recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology and was co-authored by Cathy Benedict, Associate Professor of Music Education and Director of Research at the Don Wright Faculty of Music.
Read full article (Western News, January 11, 2019)
Related links
Canadian Audiologist: Reflections from a Music Educator on Interdisciplinary Audiology Research
(Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2019)