Ontario Music Educators’ Association Survey: Deadline January 31

Dear Colleague Music Educator,
We would like to invite you to participate in a Survey, developed by Western University and supported by OMEA, aiming to gauge the challenges music education and music educators face today in Ontario’s schools.
Central to our purpose is to hear the voices of music educators. As you may know, recent and available data on music programs, their status and who is leading them, is not widely available and when it is, derives from reports collected from administrators, rather than music teachers themselves.
We want to make sure we understand the realities of music programs directly from the voices of teachers!
The survey is not long (should take about 20 minutes of your time) and the information we will gather might be very significant in better understanding the concerns many teachers are expressing about support for music education in Ontario. If current anecdotal information and trends are an indication, opportunities for an education in the arts and particularly in music have been curtailed, and might simply be unavailable to Ontario students in certain areas.
If you teach music in Ontario’s schools, in any capacity, we need your help.
We hope you will consider taking a few minutes of your busy schedule and make your voice heard.
To complete the survey click here.
Patrick Schmidt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Music Education
Chair, Music Education & Dance
Western University
Isaac Moore
President, Ontario Music Educators' Association