Western welcomes NATS - Ontario Chapter Vocal Showcase 2019

November 23-24, 2019
Western is proud to host the National Association of Teachers of Singing - Ontario Chapter’s Vocal Showcase event, featuring 250 singers from across the province ranging in age from grade 7 to graduate students.
NATS Ontario Chapter is the largest NATS chapter in Canada, and second largest in the National Association of Teachers of Singing International. Over the course of the weekend, these singers will be adjudicated by some 50 voice teachers volunteering their time as judges. 50 pianists also join us from all across Ontario. Each day culminates with a public recital featuring all winners, which the public are welcome to attend.
As is often the case, there are several "purple and proud" Western connections among students, faculty, alumni and even students of students! In all there are 40 voice studios from across Ontario, with at least half having a Western connection. Notable alumni who are new to NATS include Megan Hopkins, BMus'16, MMus'18 (Music Education) and Julie Ludwig, BMus'07, MMus'10 (Literature and Performance), both of whom have entered students into this year's showcase. Several current Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) students are presenting in a "Research Fair" on Saturday, part of the enhanced programming available for singers and teachers alike between classes.
For complete information and schedule details for participants, visit the NATS - Ontario Chapter 2019 Vocal Showcase website.
Finale Concerts
Saturday, November 23 and Sunday, November 24
4 p.m., von Kuster Hall, Music Building
Finale Concerts are free, open to the public, and feature winners from the day (Saturday – classical, Sunday – musical theatre). Students sing one selection from their package and receive awards and scholarships.
Bethany Hörst
Voice faculty member, Vocal Showcase Coordinator and Executive Member of NATS - Ontario
General concert inquiries - musicevents@uwo.ca