Music Education student Steven Wolfe introduces The Piano Project

Music Education student Steven Wolfe has taken his love of music to the streets of Kenora, Ont., with the introduction of The Piano Project. A pair of colourful upright pianos will be in the downtown area of the small northern Ontario tourist community throughout the summer, giving the public the chance to sit down and tickle the ivories.
Wolfe, who owns Wolfe Sound and Music in the small northwestern Ontario tourist community, had seen similar projects in larger cities where pianos would seem a bit out of place on a busy street corner. He wondered why not something similar in his own community?
“Everyone has loved it so far and there are constantly people playing it. It’s unreal. I find myself simply taking a walk by and there’s always someone playing,” he said, adding he has even played a few tunes himself, including a duet with a young tourist. “It’s an invitation to have a place to play, the freedom and lack of judgement atmosphere. It’s very open and it’s all about giving it your best and having fun.”
Read full article (Western News, July 17, 2018)
Photo: Special to Western News
Related Links:
CBC news story
Cathy Alex - CBC News, July 7, 2018