
The Capstone Project (9599) provides an opportunity for students to engage in high-level work focusing on an area of specialization within the profession. Capstone projects will be inquiry and practice-centered, and will draw upon areas of interest to the student. All capstones aim to bridge theory and practice and are aimed to have an impact on the professional life of students whether they work in classrooms, studios or community spaces. Students will identify the topics for their Capstone Project during their course work. Capstone projects often take their inspiration from projects, papers, and experiences related to course work in the degree program.

Capstone Projects encourage the application of knowledge gained on teaching and learning throughout the Master's of Music Education program. Additionally, the Capstone Project should demonstrate the depth and extent of knowledge of students. Capstone projects may take an variety of formats (e.g., video, web, traditional text, and media) of scholarly work. These may be, but are not limited to, the investigation of practices and educational ideas, the development of curricular materials, or teaching approaches.

A successful Capstone Project shall:

  • Illuminate and bring new insight to an area of the music education field;
  • Demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge and the application of this knowledge to scholarship and/or practice;
  • Present a clearly articulated investigative framework, while situating projects within established academic practices and/or ideas;
  • Offer inquiry-based argumentation for educational/curricular change and adaptation where conceptual propositions are tied to in-the-world realities.