Campus Conversations

President Alan Shepard sat down with a group of music students to learn more about their student experience at Western and what the future holds for opera. 


Conversation segments

Building confidence

Western Music students share what it’s like performing opera on stage and how immersing themselves into their character helps build their confidence. Video also available on YouKu

Advice for high school students

Western Music students Madeline and Ocean share their advice for high school students interested in studying music. Video also available on YouKu

Parents' reaction

Western Music students share how their parents reacted to their decision to pursue music at university. Their answers may surprise you! Video also available on YouKu

Future of opera

Western Music students Nicholas and Madeline share what they see for the future of opera and their careers. Video also available on YouKu


Full Performances

All pieces are from Gioachino Rossini’s La Cenerentola

Nick and Ocean

“Un segreto d’importanza” Duetto di Don Magnifico & Dandini

Nicholas Gryniewski, baritone
Huanyang (Ocean) Yin, tenor
Theodore Chow, piano

Also available on YouKu


“Sventurata” Aria di Clorinda

Madeline Berman, soprano
Theodore Chow, piano

Also available on YouKu


“Si ritrovarla io giuro” Aria di Ramiro

Matthew Bermudez, tenor
Theodore Chow, piano

Also available on YouKu